
The reaction from the fans isn't particularly good...

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The reaction from the fans isn't particularly good...

Post by Annin_Tofu »

Oh dear, oh dear..


Did Konami just forget about what made the series so very special to begin with? Well...

I would say it sure looks like they did! ... -19190427/
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Re: The reaction from the fans isn't particularly good...

Post by Norus_Rebirthed »

Post is a bit ranty warning

Silent Hill is a poisoned chalice of a game series. For every rational fan you've got tens more whining about the past glories. And gatekeeping. Holy fuck is there serious gatekeeping with this series. Anything new or anything dare trying to do something is getting shit on as not authentic.
I'll miss communicating on forums etc. I really feel an electromagnetic pulse across the planet is required! Back to the fucking stone age. Let the reactors meltdown. We've lived enough and we haven't even had anything approaching a good run!
As for Ascension. I'm still interested . I'd still like to see how it goes and what they do with it.
If Ascension had tank controls and really blocky graphics... They'd only then complain nothing new got done with the series!
"Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible". Zappa, THESE assholes really need you!

And this is nothing like Capcom and Resident Evil. Those games get made regardless (and actually SELL in sustainable numbers).
Silent Hill is it's own layer of Hell. Hobbled by nostalgia and threatened by change. You can see why Konami thought "Fuck it." and just sat on the name for years. Why wouldn't you?
Well bollocks to it. I'm still interested in Ascension. Still willing to give it a try if possible. Otherwise, what is the point of doing anything? Why even leave your bedroom if everything they try to do is "wrong"?
Same with Boober and that Silent Hill 2 remake. I'm not surprised they're switching from survival horror. Why wouldn't you switch from survival horror? If it isn't the misery of making the damn things, it's always the ingratitude from an even more miserable fandom.
Besides, the players are just going to gang up on the black or female character anyway. :(
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Re: The reaction from the fans isn't particularly good...

Post by Annin_Tofu »

I still find RE is enjoyable. The latest CG movie proved that putting many of the main characters together, makes for a fantastic thrill ride. But is it a scary franchise these days? Certainly not. In fact, I doubt it will ever be restored to the glory it had in the pre-RE4 era. It's something you just have to kind of accept in this money dominated world we live in.

I think RE8 was supposed to be the way it is via the feedback Capcom received, indicating that some fans felt 7 was too scary. Which is nonsense. Weren't people wanting RE to be horror again, after the action? And yes. RE is meant to be a horror franchise. So that's just silly.

Maybe Capcom doesn't know what to do anymore. You can tell every game is just an experiment to see what works.

Yeah. Konami will always be hated over the whole Kojima bull crap. It's sad that nobody wants to let that go.

It's been years, you know? He has moved on. They obviously want to stay salty over it forever.
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Re: The reaction from the fans isn't particularly good...

Post by rodox_head »

People being upset about a tentacle monster in a Silent Hill game? They say it doesn't belong in a SH game? Vaginal themed imagery is out of place?

Lord Eris above, think about what you're saying before you spew what can and cannot go into a game that has had an identity crisis for the past 23 years.
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Re: The reaction from the fans isn't particularly good...

Post by Annin_Tofu »

I find that if there's a horror franchise you get bored with, there's so many old or new horror movies to watch. Then you cannot say I was bored, because there was nothing to replace it. There's always something to check out.

If people get upset over a piece of entertainment, maybe they need to start finding other media or even worthwhile hobbies, to drown out these feelings.

I used to get mad at Capcom when I felt their decision making was ruining RE. Eventually, you just understand they don't care, and you shouldn't either. :geek:
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