
New SH in development by Blooper?

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New SH in development by Blooper?

Post by Xuchilbara »

There are some leaks for an upcoming SH game. They're very interesting but I do not know if they are confirmed.

More details with pictures follow this link: ... edly-leak/
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Re: New SH in development by Blooper?

Post by floatstinger »

Obviously that's very early stuff, but I don't like it at all. I didn't like The Medium either. This team is the last people I'd want to make a new SH. I've been saying forever now I'd much rather Climax get another crack at the series.
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Re: New SH in development by Blooper?

Post by Norus_Rebirthed »

A third person Silent Hill! That's all I'd want. Not sure about the text messaging in real life aspect.
When the end product (IF the end product) comes, this long since 2012. I've a feeling when it did come back it would look a lot cheaper than current AAA titles.
In short I'd rather not have a first person Silent Hill (The Room had the better balance) title.
But as getting a console for it whenever completed is but a pipe dream... I am powerless to disrupt or change the possible Silent Hill development.
Took them long enough and wish them every success programming if it's actually comes true!
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Re: New SH in development by Blooper?

Post by Otherworld »

Not a surprise. From what I read Konami was watching how The Medium would turn out before giving Blooper a chance. I played it.

It had potential. I liked the story. Mechanics were not great. Like a point-and-click adventure. No combat in the game play is always something I am not too fond of.

We will see what happens .....
I'm going to town either way.
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Re: New SH in development by Blooper?

Post by Annin_Tofu »

Yeah. I can't say there's many horror games i enjoy without any combat whatsoever. The Medium at first sight though, does scream out "Silent Hill" to people. So once I found out Konami hired Bloober Team months ago, I saw it as a 2 add 2 kind of thing, where it felt so obvious that they'd want to revive a franchise they admitted to being inspired by. Like a kid's wish coming true. You know?

Not fully against a remake, but not especially for it either. I understand developing a new game is a big risk, and a remake, if succesfully pulled off, would help to fund other games down the road. But we see more than enough remakes these days. It suggests that people don't have much confidence any longer, and will just rehash what's already popular because people are so fond of the original. Which we are. But a remake!? :?

We'll see how that goes... :mira:
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