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Re: Mental Well-Being etc.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 5:39 pm
by Norus_Rebirthed
My Adventures In An MRI Scan.

Woke up before the alarm. Dreamt I was playing a Final Fantasy game online. With our very own SHC's admin!
They asked me how I got drugs in this game. So I remember typing "Have you got any drugs?" in a speech bubble.
Well anyway, got a Taxi. So gorgeous seeing the Sun rise over everywhere that time of morning.
Got to the Hospital. Was able to follow directions. Waited in a room. A TV (silent) was broadcasting an episode of Ellen DeGeneres (or however she's spelt). I couldn't see the screen from where I was sitting. So I was watching it's reflections off a plastic display. Trying to read the subtitles backwards.
The chairs were spaced around the room with a sign saying "Do not remove the chairs. They have been placed as they are to encourage social distancing." So OF COURSE a young Dad entered with his young wife and baby. And he moved the chair to sit by them. Ah, British Fathers! What arseholes.
Eventually got called into the radioactive place. Removed coat, glasses, belt, lighter and front door keys and placed them on a chair.
An attendant told me to relax and lie back. No bit further back. That's it. As the conveyor belt moved me into the position, I passed a bright red light. Well I didn't fancy seeing that spin around. So kept my eyes closed throughout. It's funny when I went through the doors, I thought they were listening to Techno! But no, that's the actual sound of the machine. I'll never listen to DUMF-TSS-DUMF-TSS-DUMF-TSS in the same way again now. Thick headphones had been attached before going inside the scanner. These really exaggerated the rushing of blood around my ears. Through an intercom I was told "Scan will commence for ten minutes".
Suddenly, loud noise. I had a buzzer I could press if was uncomfortable. I suppose if I'd had my eyes open it would have made me feel queasy. Watching the lights spin around. But I kept them closed and although the plastic "helmet" placed over me got warm. There were no problems. I am Space 1999's Commander Koenig. I am James T Fucking Kirk of the starship Enterprise. Another voice on the intercom assured there will be another scanning for four minutes. Even with the headphones it was loud. You know the way you can loudly play a piece of music in your mind? Even if you aren't physically listening to it? Well even Purple Haze got drowned out.
I lost track of time. Although scans were told would be ten or four minutes, I couldn't tell.
Then the conveyor moved me out. The headpiece and headphones were removed. Retrieved the items.
Joked to them that I finally understood Dance music now. Obviously didn't get a laugh.
Was escorted to the exit corridor because I was a bit disoriented after it.
I'll know the results in a couple of weeks. If you have a scan yourself booked. I'd recommend having your eyes closed throughout the process. I just wanted to get it over with.
And that was that. Out into the morning rain. Onto the bus. Back home within half an hour to sunshine.

Re: Mental Well-Being etc.

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2022 5:40 pm
by Norus_Rebirthed
LostInTheFog and everyone else. We can overcome whatever obstacles get thrown our way!
SHC are a different but no less resilient breed.

Re: Mental Well-Being etc.

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:10 am
by LostInTheFog
I did some scans in my life already. Two of if was particulary unpleasant. Once I had to use reflexive fluid in my blood - is cold and you can feel it circulating like being possessed! Creepy! The other time I did brain scan, hearing all those noises. But this was a long time ago, more than 20 years. There was no audio protection, it was loud noises for almost an hour and I could see the scanner rounding my head and moving a bit each time - a scyfi horror movie! And that radio voice - don't move or we will have to run it again! At that time, not everybody could face it and sometimes the subject had to be sedated. But I'm glad I din't need, it was a hell of an experience I like to remember.

Re: Mental Well-Being etc.

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2022 1:29 am
by Xuchilbara
Thanks everyone. I hope you all had a Happy New Year! :robbie:

I am now in the process of switching all the bills to me and while many, feel dread of onslaughts of bills. I am just happy to pay them. I've definitely become an adult. :mira:

Re: Mental Well-Being etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:15 am
by Annin_Tofu
I hardly ever go out, as my agoraphobia often has a grip on me.

I don't mind going for a walk, if it's just to stroll about somewhere nearby. But when I go to areas with high bridges and wide open spaces, that acts as a trigger. :health:

Re: Mental Well-Being etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2022 9:53 pm
by LostInTheFog
I can't avoid the bad feeling of walking in my city observing most of people without a mask or bad dressed... give me a virtual agoraphobia! It's a bad sign - people don't care about the pandemics, that is not a huge problem. What if we have a real catastrophic event? Don't think we are ready!

Re: Mental Well-Being etc.

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2022 3:14 pm
by Otherworld
Seems the thinking around here has changed also

Re: Mental Well-Being etc.

Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2022 8:13 am
by Annin_Tofu
Forums are rather quiet now. Sometimes, too quiet. :|

It's sad. Message boards were always so busy about this time, 20 years ago. These days, I think people are more active on Facebook.

Re: Mental Well-Being etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 1:36 am
by LostInTheFog
I still have my Facebook account, but because I have to. There is still few communities there I like to engage, as Silent Hill and lost pets. The rest make no good to my mental well-being. Even nice post seems now too artificial, they are only good because are inside a bubble...

By the way, al lot of people have came out from silence pushed by this anti-science wave. People I used to talk now I just can't. The family ask us to not confront so they are now special human being allowed to freely say stupid things. There is some friends that are not so stupid but very committed with an ancient way of life, and the references make it hard to have some conversation, sometimes the differences are an abyss - just impossible to reach!

We have now already (sooner than I thought) a lot of people in witch shoulders will rely the guilt of millions of deaths around the world, billions of dollars lost, rich people even richier, and so on. Many are already paying with consequences of Covid, losing job, losing friends, sometimes losing life itself. Of course, many don't feel guilt because they are deep inside this parallel world. I have hate and disgusting of this people, I am no Christ!

Re: Mental Well-Being etc.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2022 4:00 am
by Xuchilbara
I feel you, Lost. I still have FB but mostly use it for memes and community/group stuff. I trimmed my list to only people I know and trust that aren't antiscience. However, it doesn't filter out all the dumb dumbs. (Because their fam and friends will be like that.)

Lately, I've been gaming more than using the internet for social activities because of how bad many Americans are about politics and science.